Special Notes:

● Might contain dry seams, pits, fossils and glass veins- all of which are inherent characteristics of the stone and are filled at the factory during production.
Since these voids may sometimes lose their fillings, they should be refilled as a part of standard maintenance.

● This stone contains deposits of minerals that may react to moisture.
Caution should be taken in installations where this material is exposed to standing or running water which may result in spalling on the face of the stone. ● Application of a sealer is recommended. (Note: It is advised to apply a sealer prior to grouting.) 

Color Range
Gold, Cream, White
Varies, cut to size
10-12 weeks


Exterior Cladding Yes
Exterior Pavers Yes
Interior Walls Yes
Interior Floors Yes
Kitchen Countertops Yes
Other Countertops Yes
Wet Areas Yes
Traffic Yes


Suitable for cladding in non- freezing conditions Yes
Suitable for paving in non-freezing conditions Yes, not recommended for paving in freeze-thaw conditions
Suitable for residential and/or low traffic areas Yes
Suitable for commercial and/or high traffic areas High level of maintenance
Usage in wet conditions Spalling on the face of the stone may occur in case of access humidity or still water underneath the stone.

Contact us or call 713.412.6952

for an appointment to learn more about HabitatStone's peerless commitment to quality stone.